Dr Blinken

blog, bentosheets and railspages.

Deploying to Heroku from Travis CI


This blog post is outdated, Travis-CI has provided their own solution:


Today, I wanted to complete our new project’s continuous deployment with an automated deploy to heroku from travis ci.

I decided to give Pete Hodgson’s heroku-headless gem a try, as it seems to be quite elegant. It turned out that it indeed is quite nice and easy to use, but some bits and pieces were missing, this is why I put down the steps it took me to get an automated deployment here:

Add the heroku-headless gem to the Gemfile

A no-brainer in general, but I ran into two problems:

/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/gems/heroku-headless-0.2.0/lib/heroku-headless/creates_uuids.rb:4:in ``’: No such file or directory - uuidgen (Errno::ENOENT)

This appears to have been solved in HEAD , but not relased yet - therefore I had to get the gem directly from github:

# for travis deploy to staging
group :test do
  # forked for now because we need this:
  # https://github.com/learnery/heroku-headless/commit/b5179227c710ac84e871b91699fd0fc355d43b28
  gem 'heroku-headless', :git => 'https://github.com/moredipp/heroku-headless.git'

which resulted in this error:

/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in `require’: cannot load such file – heroku-headless (LoadError)

which was solved by calling the deploy script from .travis.yml with bundle exec as shown below.

Setup Heroku & API Key

go to www.heroku.com, create an app and pick up your API key (under Account).

Put this Heroku API key in your .travis.yml, but make sure to encrypt it first as described by Neil Middleton:

gem install travis
travis encrypt HEROKU_API_KEY=<your_heroku_key> --add

This adds the encrypted key directly to your .travis.xml. For more information on that see the travis doc.

Create a Deployment Script and have it called after builds

Deployment Script in ci/deploy.rb (make sure it has executable rights set with chmod +x)

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'heroku-headless'

unless /learnery\/Gemfile$/.match(ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"]    )
  # only deploy default Gemfile and not for other  themes
  puts "gemfile is #{ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"].inspect} -     skipping deploy"
  HerokuHeadless.configure do | config |
    config.post_deploy_commands = [
      'rake db:migrate'
  HerokuHeadless::Deployer.deploy( 'my-app-name' )

This has a check for the Gemfile set in travis.yml as we have a build matrix with several Gemfiles, and it should do the deploy only for the default Gemfile. Without this logic, the deploy script could have looked like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'heroku-headless'

HerokuHeadless.configure do | config |
    config.post_deploy_commands = [
      'rake db:migrate'
HerokuHeadless::Deployer.deploy( 'my-app-name' )

Finally, add this to .travis.yml to call the deploy script:

- bundle exec ruby ci/deploy.rb