Dr Blinken

blog, bentosheets and railspages.

Rails Dash

These are the commands I show in a fast Rails Demo.

Prerequisites: rails installed. This has been tested with rails 4.0.0 - if you have an older rails installation, try running

bash> gem update rails

before starting with your app.

Create a new Rails App

bash> rails new <your-app-name>


bash> rails new kanu

This generates a whole lot of files in a subdirectory called <your-app-name> and calls bundler, which downloads all gems (libraries) you need for it. Your new Rails App is now ready to be started!

bash> cd <your-app-name>
bash> rails server

starts a webrick web server serving your new app at

(in your browser) http://localhost:3000

Now you can create your first resource, let’s say, spots where you can put your kayak in the water:

bash> rails generate scaffold spot river description:text

Note: if you want to use german model names, you should provide the correct pluralization to rails, although this might not always work flawlessly. - (see here for example) - then you can run

bash> rails generate scaffold Einsetzstelle fluss beschreibung:text

This may cause problems later on though as not all libraries seem to support this.

The scaffold creates a model, view and controller as well as a database migration, which you need to run next:

bash> rake db:migrate

Now you can access your newly created resource and with support for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality at

(in your browser) http://localhost:3000/<your-pluralized-resource-name>



Play with it a bit! You can see the generated pages/routes by calling

bash> rake routes

Then, have a look at the Console.